Wayneoconner.com theater presents the audio version of Half Jack and Leprechaun.

Half Jack and Leprechaun is a Conspiracy Theory Fantasy that was originally written in my book Adventurer’s Horn, which was selected for review in the 2014 Midwest Book review.





Half Jack and Leprechaun contains vivid imagery, romance, spies, super soldiers, advanced technology, fallen angel technology, underground bases, shadow government activity, hollow-earth and cryptological creatures, like Reptoids, Naga, Snake and Jackal Heads, Horned Giants, Mole-men, and the mysterious Tero and Dero.  While this is a work of fiction, many elements from items to supernatural concepts, are roughly based on reality, but not necessarily as we know it. Half Jack and Leprechaun  contains elements of truth, written as fiction, or truth that has been embellished, for the sake of entertainment but reflects a reality that we do not yet comprehend.

The audio is divided into five sections that range from 30 minutes to one hour in length and will be posted as they are completed.




