The Coming Judgment Of America


Copyright © 2014 Wayne O’Conner
All rights reserved.

Dedicated to the future servants of the Lord Jesus Christ…
both those who will be preserved until He returns to rule and reign
and those who will earn their martyrs crown.


Acknowledgments i


Blessings to all who have encouraged my endeavors as a watchmen. Praise the Lord who has promised to provide Cities of Refuge and Sanctuaries – a small number in America, but more hidden around the world. Of these places He said, in the Three-Dimensional Vision, “Where there is no water there will be water. Where there is no food there will be food. Where there is no medicine there will be healing.”


Strongly Opinionated in Diverse Directions
Shared on C.K. Quarterman’s blog talk radio show 2/27/14.

On February 26th, 2014, I noticed a Facebook article put out by a member of Glen Beck’s staff. The article had been published in the Blaze. It reads, “After tens of thousands of defiant gun owners in Connecticut chose not to register their semi-automatic rifles to comply with a hastily-passed gun control law, the state is now taking some action. Officials are reportedly notifying gun owners who submitted late applications that they have one last chance to get rid of their “illegal” weapons.” End Quote.
What this means is that the next step will be weapons in general. So what will this mean for law abiding citizens? I think historical fiction writer Louis L’Amour summed it up well.
“There’s a saying that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”
–Louis L’Amour, in the novel Galloway p.52
From my perspective outlaws, are not necessarily restricted by definition to evil cowboys, but also includes tyrannical governments.
Not ever being able to hit the broad side of a barn and by necessity needing to spend money on food rather than on guns and ammo, I do not own a gun. That said I am a strong advocate of 2nd amendment rights.
I had many prophetic dreams and visions during my youth.
Part of that revelation was that war is coming to America during my life time.
I also received a more specific word back in approximately 2004 about Civil War coming to America.
It will not be a North verses South type of war.
Ethnos verses ethnos or ethnic conflict will be part of it. The unrest will also involve religious issues.
The conflict will not be one of slavery in the same manner as happened during the Civil War. However, the issue of freedom will be at stake.
More importantly, it will be a case of the powers that be orchestrating behind the scenes, fomenting the issue, not just to trick us into giving up more rights for protection, but as part of a more sinister plan.
All of this is part of a much darker initiative, engraved on the Georgia Guide Stones.
According to the opinion of the shadow government, it is necessary to depopulate earth quite substantially.
I first heard quotes of 90 percent, but lately the figures have decreased to % 80.
At this time the planetary population is just over 7 billion.
You do the math. No matter how it calculates out, the sum equals an incredible and ghastly number of dead men, woman and children.
The message of the Georgia Guide Stones – 1 of 10.

I believe that the time is coming, very soon, unless the Lord provides a temporary reprieve, that many Americans may need to exercise their 2nd amendment rights to defend their families and brothers and sisters in Jesus.
I should mention that I also respect those who believe in turning the other cheek. This is a matter of conscience. You will find support for both options in the scriptures.
Now I will share a free verse prose piece that I wrote in 2012 based on an event that happened in approximately 2004.
I wrote the piece “Civil War” in November 2012 and included it in my book Sandy Danced.

Back when I lived in the Almena Trailer Park
a Christian friend lent me the video,
Gods and Generals.

He laughed when I told him that I felt the Lord had shown me as I watched it that America would have another civil war before Jesus returned.
I mentioned the same on Facebook several months ago to a brother who lived in Barron, Wisconsin.
My feeling was that it would not be a war of North vs South.
Race and religion would be involved.
Slavery as an issue would be involved, but not as it was in the civil war, but in the sense of all Americans losing their freedoms.
My feeling also was that many would be provoked to take up arms just so the ungodly powers that be could crush all resistance.
During this time many children of God, both those who know him, as well as those who only know about Him, but do not really serve him, will die, but in so doing they will escape the chaos of the times.
However, for those who trust God, for those who will allow Him to defend them, there will be great miracles, places of safety with provision in the midst of brutal warfare, famine and fear.
While I do not wish to discourage those brethren who decide to bear arms in the coming war to establish the One World Government,
I believe that ninety-nine percent of the intervention of the Lord
will be with those who trust the power of the Holy Spirit to work through them rather than carnal weapons.
Once again, some are destined for martyrs crowns, but others are destined for miraculous preservation.
Excerpted from Sandy Danced: Some Say Haarp was the Band that Fiddled that Day.
We know that in the Old Testament that God raised up mighty men, like David and his band or like Samson who performed great, even superhuman exploits.
Other judges may not have had the supernatural strength Samson had, but they also performed great exploits.
Personally, I see this as more of an Old Testament concept.
That said, there seems to be historical evidence that the Lord has given certain people special warrior skills as with the Christian soldier Sargent Alvin York of WW1 fame.
God can do the same thing again. Just as He did in ancient Israel, God may do the same thing today in modern America.
So yes, He may very well do so in America, except that rather than using slings, spears and swords, they may be using rifles, pistols and buck knives.
That is not the gist of what I am sharing with you today, but I do believe it bears mentioning.
That said, there are reasons that I will detail later, that it may well be true that He will not do this or only on a limited basis.
What makes this issue more poignant, or so I believe, is that at the same time there will be civil unrest nationally I believe that we will also see that reflected in the national religious structure.
Let me say that again using different words. If Civil War comes to America as a nation, there will also be a civil war in the church, as those who do not truly serve the Lord persecute or betray those brothers and sisters who do.
So don’t be surprised if those who should be your brothers and sisters in Christ turn you in to the civil authorities.
Why would they do this?
• To keep their church doors open.
• To keep their food stamps coming in.
• To keep their electricity on and other energy sources flowing into their households.
• Because your presence and your words make them feel convicted.
• Because your refusal to accept their watered down, one-world-religion, New Age or Sons of Ishmael friendly church meetings will irritate them or make them feel you are a dangerously loose cannon.
Now in my books The Baby Echolalia of Christendom, Final Piece of the Puzzle and Visitation, I talk about a Christian remnant.
This remnant will be raised up in America and around the world. They will do great exploits for the Lord during a time of tribulation.
These saints, according to what I have been shown, were more like turbo-charged missionaries.
They will be used to multiply food or call down fire, cast out devils and even control the weather.
So they were not like David and his “mighty men” who were known to single – handedly or as a team, conquer enemy war-bands, kill giants, and slay wild beasts in Jehovah’s service.
Controlling of the weather, by the way, for these saints, will be by prayer and not by using advanced technological devices as many governments do today.
Once again, from what the Lord shared with me in my vision in 1989, this group was not a “mighty men” type of group.
While preaching about Jesus and providing a witness against the sins of their generation in the land of their sojourning, and farther away as the Lord moved them, they would have to trust the Lord %100 for protection and not depend on carnal weapons.
Some would be protected miraculously and even have death immunity until it became time to earn their martyrs crowns.
All this to say, that while the Lord may very well raise up groups in America, who will be like David’s mighty men, as we enter our own tribulation in America, He did not specifically share with me about such a group, during my three-dimensional vision in 1989.
Now onto the part, as to why I say that I am strongly opinionated, in diverse directions.
Simply put, I am torn between two opinions about this issue.
I do not in any way wish to discourage my brothers and sisters, from defending themselves.
Tribulation and civil war, are coming to America in the future, and perhaps not that long into the future.
Concerning our 2nd amendment rights and our responsibility to defend ourselves, our families and our brothers and sisters, I do not wish to denigrate that issue.
What I do wish to convey is the thought that I do not think we are seeing the entire picture.
Would you say that my imagination is running wild when I opine that most American Christians seem to, either by word or mindset, feel that they are a cut above the average Christian?
Would you think I am misinformed because I believe that most American Christians feel that they are exempt from the struggles and difficulties that other Christians have had in times past?
We see recorded in scripture, especially in the New Testament, their persecution and struggles.
We read about Christians enduring persecution and martyrdom in FOXE’S BOOK OF MARTYRS and other church history materials.
Am I misreading reality when I state that contemporary American Christians seem to feel that they possess a sort of diplomatic immunity concerning such things?
While Christians throughout the ages suffered, or contemporary Christians around the world, experience persecution and death, many American Christians say that God loves the American Church so much, that He cannot let these things happen in America!
I have heard many brothers say that if such a thing happens to America, that God must protect each and every person who says they are a Christian, or that judgment cannot come!
Read that as God must RAPTURE all American Christians prior to the judgment of America!
Recently I heard a sister in the Lord say that, “we as Christians are married to Christ. Therefore, if God allows his people to be harmed,” she exclaimed, “then He is the same as a husband that beats his wife!”
She continued, “Or if He does not protect her, then he is worse than an infidel!”
She added, “My God loves us and I will not hear of Him, that He would commit spousal abuse!”
That was her passionate response to my saying that 1st Corinthians 15:52 or Matthew 24:29 do not support an easy out, for church people, being whisked away before judgment or persecution comes to America.
Am I wrong in believing that most American Christians today seem to feel that Jesus cannot bring judgment to America because there are Christians here?
At the same time they hear of persecution of saints in other countries, they may mutter a prayer, but then adamantly exclaim that it cannot happen in America!
Especially with the dark times that are coming to America, we really need to focus on our relationship with the Lord.
We cannot let distractions sway us from that duty. We must not become overwhelmed with fear of the coming chaos. We must not let our daily routine keep us from our daily focus on Jesus.
Chuck Missler said in one of his lectures, that he had a quick method for identifying a Christian’s idols. He said that you just look at his or her check book. That is to say, the way we set priorities in our lives may easily be measured by how we spend our money.
While we may be quick to point out the more visible sins of our brothers and sisters, such as adultery and concupiscent behavior, we usually rationalize away our own errors, especially the less evident ones like gossiping, fault-finding and murmuring.
Many American Christians point at the wickedness of the unsaved but rarely see the sin in their own midst.
We know that Sodom became so full of sin that they stank to Heaven.
We tend to remember their sins that have to do with lust and homosexuality. Possibly we remember that, as alluded to by Jude and Peter, that Sodom most likely had been guilty of trafficking with fallen angels as well.
We tend to forget that Sodom was also known for another group of sins as recorded in the book of Ezekiel.
(Eze 16:49) Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
(Eze 16:50) And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.

Substitute the word America for Sodom in Ezekiel 16:49-50 and we could be just as accurately describing our country – America.
More than that, is there not at least a modicum of evidence that the American government has trafficked with fallen angels?
These fallen angels have masqueraded as space aliens, and our government has traded men, women and children into unthinkably horrific captivity, for advanced technology!
We are swiftly coming to the place where we won’t be that incomparable to Sodom.
While I do not think we have seen anything yet, isn’t it obvious that America’s populace is dancing with the devil in their entertainment preferences and becoming more and more addicted to the loose moral standards portrayed in many modern books, movies and television shows?
If that were not enough, have you noticed that the more abominable sexual practices from homosexuality to cross-species intercourse, have boldly stepped out of shadows?
If the ever convenient and popular infant murders, euphemistically called fetal abortions, are not grisly enough, I believe the death-to-babies clinics are providing constant Satanic ritual sacrifices, whether they realize it or not.
So jaded cultists are not the only ones spilling the innocent blood that is spiritually ushering in a short but brutal dark kingdom lorded over by psychotically twisted entities.
We can understand the downward spiral of the unsaved masses as they come under the spell of the growing demonic influence, via the planetary principalities and powers command structure, as we swiftly travel towards the Luciferian takeover of the planet.
You do realize that this has been prophesied to happen before Jesus Christ’s triumphant return and rescue mission?
What is worse is that what calls itself the church in America has not resisted these ungodly influences.
Much of what calls itself the body of Christ, or the church, here in America, today, excitedly competes with the pagans, often winning the race and at other times falling into second place.
America is ripe for judgment. So to, is American Christendom!
Many Christians in America do not realize that they have been blindly following a religion, rather than living for Jesus, and are themselves heading into judgment.
We may think things are fine between ourselves and Jesus, and maybe they are for some of us, but many of us do not realize that we have been walking out of God’s favor and protection for a long, long time.
Jesus is not against us having entertainment, for example, but even clean entertainment, if we spend inordinate amounts of time on such activity, can become sin.
We can also spend money on something that is not bad in and of itself, but fall into sin, because we should have used that money to buy an item, like food or clothing, for our children.
Don’t forget that if a member of our Christian family, that is to say, a brother or sister in Jesus, is in need, we may be responsible to help them as well.
Now for those of us who actually walk with the Lord, we may have issues along this line, but we get our spanking, repent, and go on.
Another way that good Christians are falling into sin is that when the Lord asks them to do something, rather than simply obeying, they just work harder and longer completing their daily Christian to do lists.
In other words, rather than honoring the Lord’s lordship in their lives, they passionately trade Him some type of sacrificial “Christian” work.
Rather than simply obeying His will on an issue, they try to substitute “Cain’s vegetable offering for Abel’s meat offering.”
By doing so they foolishly feel they are free do what they want to do instead of doing the Lord’s will.
I fear that this appeasement offering is a popular routine in many “Christian” circles.
God has grace, much grace, but if we keep doing this, we will one day walk out of His favor and protection.
So even if you think you and Jesus are as close as a pair of nestled spoons, you need to take the time to ask the Lord, as David did, “is there any wicked way in me?”
With the dark times that are coming, it may mean the difference between being protected and not being protected. It may mean the difference between life and death!
I predict that there are many who attend church, whether in a traditional building or a living room, on a weekly basis, who really do not serve the Lord and who are walking in disobedience.
My point is that judgment is coming not only to this nation, but also to many who call themselves Christians. We must not forget this.
For most of us this should not be a great revelation that God is preparing to judge America as a nation.
What many of us are forgetting is that the Lord is also preparing to judge a great number of blinded and immature American Christians.
Here’s the rub. Those of us who are mindful to follow the Lord to the best of our ability, through living for Him, praying and doing the work of the kingdom, can expect God to protect us.
Even so, we must not forget that we may be called to suffer or even die in His service.
That said, I also believe that from what the Lord has shared with me, that He can and will protect and provide for many Christians, and bring Himself glory by that very provisioning and protecting of Christians, during the dark days ahead that are coming to America.
But for those who are following Him in name only, not in devotion or obedience, they will not have that protection and provision.
Moreover, those who put on a show of being saved, but are not, shall show their true colors during this time of darkness. They will persecute, or turn into the authorities other Christians and think they are doing God a service.
Real Christians will be brought into harm’s way by these wolves in sheep’s clothing. Don’t be caught by surprise.
Back to the issues of the coming tribulation and civil war that are coming to America.

Yes, we need to be mindful of our responsibility to protect our friends and family, which will include the practice of second amendment rights.

We also need to keep in mind that we are coming into a time of national judgment. Both for civil America and Christian America.

Every Christian really needs to begin seeking the Lord and continue to do so, as to where they should go and how they should prepare, spiritually and physically, as that tribulation and judgment approaches.

What none of us wants to hear is that God in his judgment may very well take America away from us, Christian and non-Christian, or put us in bondage.

Let us not forget that it has happened in the past, not only to His followers in the time of Moses, but in the times of the judges…and throughout history.

How many of us will be too stubborn to accept that outcome?

If God does do that, some of those who really do love the Lord, may suffer or even die.

We must take hope from the many scriptures that God is mighty and brings provision and deliverance to obedient and devoted people.

Hebrews 11, the faith chapter, is a good portion of scripture that shows that Christians in good standing can expect both divine protection and provision or suffering and judgment.

Buffet table theology will tell you one or the other, but we need to be ready for both outcomes during our service to the Lord, whether that time is long or short.

Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Heb 11:2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.
Heb 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Heb 11:4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.
Heb 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Heb 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
Heb 11:8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
Heb 11:9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:
Heb 11:10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
Heb 11:11 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.
Heb 11:12 Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.
Heb 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
Heb 11:14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
Heb 11:15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.
Heb 11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.
Heb 11:17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
Heb 11:18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
Heb 11:19 Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.
Heb 11:20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.
Heb 11:21 By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.
Heb 11:22 By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.
Heb 11:23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment.
Heb 11:24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter;
Heb 11:25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
Heb 11:26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.
Heb 11:27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.
Heb 11:28 Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.
Heb 11:29 By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned.
Heb 11:30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days.
Heb 11:31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.
Heb 11:32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
Heb 11:33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,
Heb 11:34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.
Heb 11:35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
Heb 11:36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
Heb 11:37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
Heb 11:38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
Heb 11:39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:
Heb 11:40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.

End of passages from Hebrews 11.
I would like to share with you a prophetic writing that I can remember from the dreams and visions of my youth.
During the three- dimensional vision of 1989 the Lord reminded me of these former dreams and visions. This is discussed in more detail in my books:
One of the reoccurring dreams, which returned periodically, from when I was 4 until my 21st year, was one where I stood on street corners and in churches and read the following word.
As I grew older and began to be able to understand the dreams and began to read my Bible through, I found sections that were similar or even exact to certain passages of scripture.
In my written material I list what passages of the word are alike or similar to certain old or New Testament verses, but in the audio version I merely read the material from start to finish.

The End Times Word for American Christians

1Blessed indeed,
Is the one who dies in the Lord,
Gently and at peace,
At the end of a full and comfortable life.

2The day is coming
When this will no longer
Be the rule in America.

3The day is coming
When I the Lord
Will say to America (and/or American Christendom):

4And it shall come
to pass,
That they shall ask,
“Where should we go?”
Then you are
to tell them,
Thus says the LORD:

5Those destined to death, to death;
And those destined for the sword, to the sword;
And those destined for the famine,
to the famine;
And those destined for captivity,
to captivity.

Words in this stanza were similar to Jeremiah 15:2.

6Those I will take,
I will take.
Those I will protect,
I will protect.
Those I will give
to pestilence
will fall to pestilence.
Those I will give
to beasts will fall
to the beasts.

7And He said to me,
Son of man,
I am sending you
To My children
of America,

To a rebellious people
Who have rebelled against Me:

They and their fathers
Have transgressed against me
to this very day.

8I am sending you
to them
Who are stubborn and obstinate children
And you shall say
to them,
Thus says the Lord GOD.

As for them,
Whether they listen or not — for they are a rebellious house –

They will know
that a prophet has been among them.

And you, son of man,
Do not be afraid of them, or their words,
Though thistles and thorns be with you,
And you sit among scorpions:

Neither be afraid
of their words
Or be dismayed
at their presence,
For they are
a rebellious house.

9You shall speak My words unto them,
Whether they listen
or not,
For they are rebellious.

10Now you, son of man,
Listen to what I am speaking to you.

Do not be like that rebellious house.
Take what I give to you.

11Then I looked,
And behold,
A hand was extended
to me.
And lo,
a book was in it.

12When He opened
it for me,
mourning, and woe,
Were written in it.

Stanzas 7 – 13 were similar to Ezek 2:3-10 NASV

13Therefore shall a fire come forth Into all the house of America.

14Thus says
the Lord God:
This is America;
by great waters,
I have set her
in the midst
Of other nations
near and far.

15But she,
for all her “religion,”
Has rebelled
against My ordinances
more wickedly than many other nations,

While saying they have
Honored my ordinances
And walked in my statutes,

Many have rejected My ordinances,
And have not walked in My statutes.

thus says the Lord God:

Because you are
more tumultuous
Than many of the nations around you,
And have not walked in my statutes,
Or kept My ordinances,
While proclaiming
Your goodness, lawfulness and purity,
I will lift my mercy and protection.

17Therefore thus says the Lord God:
I, even I, am against you.

I will execute judgments
In the midst of you
In the sight
of the nations.

18Because of all your abominations
I will do among you
What I have not done
And the like of which I will never do again.

19Moreover I will make your land desolate,
And you will become a reproach among the nations around you,
In the sight of all
who pass by.

20So it shall be a reproach and a taunt, and a warning
And an object of horror to the nations,

-near and far-
that surround you,
When I shall execute judgments against you
In anger, wrath and furious rebukes.

I the LORD
have spoken it!

21I will send deadly arrows, evil arrows.
I will also increase famine among you.
I will break the staff of bread.

22I will send you famine and evil beasts,
I will bereave you
of your children.
I will send plagues and bloodshed among you.
I will bring the sword
on you.
I, the LORD,
have spoken!

Stanzas 13 –22 similar to Ezek 5:4 -17

23 I will stretch out my hand upon America,
And make the land desolate.

Stanza 23 similar to Ezek 6:14

26 And you,
son of man, say,
Thus says the Lord GOD unto the land of America:

An end — the end –
is coming
Upon the four corners
of the land!

27Now the end
is upon you,
And I will send My anger against you.
I will judge you according to your ways,
And will bring all your abominations upon you.

Stanzas 26 – 27 were similar to Ezek 7:2-3

28Thus says
the Lord God,
A disaster,
a unique disaster,
Behold it is coming.

Ears from many nations will tingle.

Mouths from many nations will speak –
From behind
quivering hands
Or from the edge
of their mouths.

Enemies of America will gloat and skip
and cry for joy.

Friends of America will become still as statues
As they quake
with grief and fear
And try to deny
the undeniable.

Stanza 28.lines 1-3, similar to Ezekiel 7:5. Lines 2 &3 are exact.

29The sword is outside,
And the plague and famine within.
He who is in the field
Will die by the sword.
Famine and plague
will consume
those in the city.

Even when their survivors escape,
They will be on the mountains,
Like doves in the valleys.

All of them mourning,
Every one
for his iniquity.

All hands will hang limp
And all knees will be like water.

Stanza 29 is like Ezek 7:15-17

30Son of man,
Prophesy against the prophets of America
that prophesy,

And say to those who prophesy out of their own inspiration,

Listen to the word
of the LORD!

Thus says the Lord GOD:
Woe to
the foolish prophets,
Who follow
their own spirit,
And have seen nothing!

31O Church in America,
Your prophets
are like the jackals
in the deserts.

You have not gone up into the breaches,
Nor did you build,
A wall of protection,
Around the house
of America
To stand in the battle,
In the day of the LORD.

32They see falsehood and lying divination
who are saying,
“The LORD declares,”
When the LORD
has not sent them.

Yet they hope that I will confirm their word.

Have you not seen
a vain vision?

And have you not spoken a lying divination, when you say, “The LORD has spoken it?”
When I have not spoken, is it not a lie?

Therefore thus says the Lord GOD:

Because you have spoken falsehood,
And seen a lie,
therefore, behold,
I am against you,
Declares the Lord GOD.

Stanzas 30 – 32 were similar to Ezek 13:2-8

33 Just as judgment came in the days of Noah,
So shall be the coming of judgment in America.

For as in those days before the flood
They were eating
and drinking,
Marrying and giving
in marriage,
Until the day that Noah entered into the ark.

They did not understand until the flood came,
And took them all away.
So shall be the coming of judgment in America.

Stanza 33 was similar to scripture in Matthew 24:37-39

Very pointedly I feel that I must revisit a section from that former word. I feel the Lord is saying to contemporary America,

4And it shall come
to pass,
That they shall ask,
“Where should we go?”
Then you are
to tell them,
Thus says the LORD:

5Those destined to death, to death;

And those destined for the sword,
to the sword;

And those destined for the famine,
to the famine;

And those destined for captivity,
to captivity.

6Those I will take,
I will take.

Those I will protect,
I will protect.

Those I will give
to pestilence
will fall to pestilence.

Those I will give
to beasts
will fall to the beasts.

That is very sobering.

Most Christians, whether they are solid Christians or immature Christians or not Christian at all, will go into denial concerning it.

I could be wrong, but I believe that the “take” part of this word does not have anything to do with what most Christians associate with rapture.

My guess is that being moved to a place of safety, much like when the baby Jesus was sent to Egypt to protect him from Herod’s national infanticide, is what is meant.

Where it is written, “Those I will protect, I will protect” means that they will go through the judgments and tribulation like Noah and his family.

Much in the same way that Noah and his family were protected during the flood within the safety of the ark, the Lord will provide places of safety for that part of the remnant who are to be preserved until He comes.

Read 1 Cor 15:52 & Matthew 24:29. Remember also that Paul said that the Lord will not come until the identity of the son of perdition is revealed and that a great falling away has occurred. (2 Thes. Ch.2).

Revelation 3:10 is often used as a blanket promise for all Christians of rapture or tribulation protection. However, if you read the surrounding verses carefully, you should be able to see that it is a promise for only a subset of saints within Christendom.

Another word picture of this protection can be found in the book of Exodus where the people of Moses day were preserved in the midst of the Egyptian judgments.

So my guess is that we are all in for a rough and bumpy camel ride.

Further, while some will be protected, some in bearing arms may be protected, but others will end up fighting the very judgment God is giving to them.

That said, all of us who say we belong to Christ, need to go the extra mile to serve Him with great love and devotion.

We need to be sure that we are not walking in rebellion or blindness.

We need to diligently seek Him for what He is calling us to do, today, tomorrow and for the many dark days ahead.

Thank you for allowing me to share my heart.

February 2014


While God poured out His wrath on ancient Egypt, His children were protected by Him. Pharaoh finally let them go. Egyptians gifted them with silver and gold.
Noah and his family were preserved through the flood, not delivered from it.
Enoch was removed beforehand.
When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace God delivered them through fire, not from it.
Daniel was protected in the Den of Lions not kept from it.
While there are instances in the New Testament or in the histories of that time, where Christians were protected from events, many were protected through calamities. Many were martyred.
Why do most American Christians demand that God must deliver them from the coming darkness? Why do they shout “I am not appointed to wrath?” Then add, “Jesus is going to take me out before that.”
Jehovah is sovereign. Is Jesus not sovereign as well, by His Father’s proclamation?

While I see in scripture that a few were delivered from, some were delivered through. Many were also martyred.
Why do most American Christians demand their right to be “blessed” with deliverance from and deny any sort of deliverance through?
God is sovereign. Some will be taken home before. Others will be delivered through. Many will be martyred.
Do not fear the coming darkness! Christians chosen by God for the coming hour will shine all the brighter in the midst of that darkness.
One day is as a thousand years. A thousand years as a day. We are now inside that 6000 year mark that started with Creation Week.
Jesus was 12 when God announced His ministry before the elders of the temple. 2012 is not the end.
Jesus asked His parents “Why did you look everywhere else before coming to the temple? Did you not know that I would be about My Father’s business?”
Jesus’ first miracle occurred at a wedding in Cana.
Early in the gospels He was baptized by his cousin John.
Luke chapter 3 says that God declared, as the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased!” Jesus’ ministry then began in earnest.
2012 is not the end. It is the beginning – a time of heralding.
Watch and see! The Second Exodus where God delivers His people in His time is about to begin.
But just as when Jesus came and did not deliver the Jews from the Romans, when He comes back with His people, don’t expect an immediate delivery from The One World Order, World Council of Churches, Sharia Law, persecution, natural calamities, flying saucers, Nephilim, or your fear of choice!
Jesus will come to be within His people before He comes personally at the last trump as Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
For those who have been called to shine in the midst of the darkness, let your light shine!
God will be glorified! Once again the earth will know His presence.
Jehovah’s Shekinah Glory will come slowly. At first God will be with his people, especially those who have been chosen to light the darkness.
Later the presence of the Lord will become so powerful that atheists will not be able to deny His presence.
Refusing to repent many will plead for the rocks to cover them.
Be ready! Be ready to be about your Father’s business!
Lift up your spiritual lances O’ saints! The battle will be long, but the jaded winged serpents that plague this world and the dark celestial host that empowers them, will be driven out by the power and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ!
WTO 3.17.2012


When the dark twilight comes to America the new moon will rise over a world gone mad, eclipsing anything we’ve seen before. With the breaking of the dawn comes a strange evil.
It will not be pretty. Not for America; not for the world.
More so, fear, war, famine, economic collapse, social chaos, natural calamities are really dark kingdom preparatory sacrifices; only the initial, icing on the cake, to usher in the short but brutal Luciferian reign.
Thanks be to God that that dark reign will be ended by Jehovah’s Mighty Hand, long before the falsely prophesied Golden Age the secret societies — those who only think they are illumined — have opined.
Thanks be to God for His mercy. If it were not so all of mankind would die long before its end.
Even those few elites promised a genetic enhancement of several hundred disease free years, would not live as kings as they’d presumed, but merely as toys or slaves.
Indeed it would have been a case of, “Oh how the mighty have fallen!” If not driven to madness, they would have one day yearned for the long gentle embrace of natural death.
The Devil’s false golden age would have been a golden age in name only. Thankfully the darkness before the dawn will be temporary. But oh, the extent of that darkness!
Phase one will be bad enough; phase two is worse than the first…
Daniel spoke of the mingling of seed; that indeed was a dark multi-layered omen.
What comes in that second wave, most of those who are left, will deny with greater tenacity than the standard gloom and doom of wars, famine or disaster.
Hollywood has presaged it; do you see it?
People flock to the theatres; they swarm the video rental stores. What are they craving? Aliens, genetic super soldiers, super heroes, vampires, zombies, werewolves!
Good, evil, pretty or ugly as depicted by directors.
Directors of movies as well as “directors” who attempt to program mankind for their masters.
Directors who gather wealth from the masses.
Directors who stir the hungry darkness in the hearts of pagans.
Directors who disclose hints to the blinded populace of the return of the dark kingdom entities who serve the coming Nimrodian world leader.
Directors who ensnare in their own lusts those Christians who could possibly become powerful servants of the One True King.

We are being primed by the dark powers that be who are preparing to bring order out of chaos.
Wars, famine, natural calamities are just the first wave.
The second wave, for the most part, comes after.
It will surpass the prior darkness by releasing the things that go bump in the night.
Until you see them you won’t believe in them. From once human genetic killing machines to jackal headed hybrids – they will exit the subterranean lands of myth.
This is why you need to know the Lord, and His power, not just have a cranium crammed with facts about Him. That is why you need to let Jesus prepare you for what is to come.
Some will simply be taken Home. Some will earn a martyrs crown. Some will be preserved or relocated.
But beware the fake “relocation!”
All who stay will have a chance to have a piece of the action.
Remember the sons of Scieva? What did the demons say? “Jesus I know and Paul I know, but who are you?” Then the sons of Scieva were beaten within an inch of their lives.
Remember also that principalities and powers are more resistant than demons, but do not forget the supremacy of Jesus Christ through those who are truly righteous by His righteousness!

While the times that are coming are darker than we’ve ever seen, more perilous than ever before, we are also entering a time more prophesied than any other, a time when the saints will do great exploits in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Like when the Hebrews were taken out of Egypt for God’s great glory, God will receive great glory in the midst of tribulation, not only in America, but around the globe.
Remember: the darker the darkness, the brighter God’s light in the midst of that dark night.
While that light may start like a handful of tiny stars scattered across a partly cloudy night sky, in the end that Holy light will effulgently fill the world.

Sandy Danced)
Avengers: Revelation 6:10

Today I watched the movie Marvel’s Avengers. Well scripted edge of your seat entertainment,
but also a skewed reflection of potential reality that has come, is coming and is yet to come.

Fallen angels coming back. Black science way beyond what we consider the limits of contemporary science.

Star Gates opened by both demented occultists and foolish scientists. Dark Satanic rituals. Modern techno-shamanism. Hollywood presenting clues in fiction.

Cloakable space ships that are not as fictional as the tale Marvel has told. If we knew the truth we would marvel.

Islamic wars, collapsing economies, natural disasters, and warfare coming onto American soil springing forth from the magick black top hat are but the pre-show. Things get even stranger after that.

Hulk, a man-made god, in the movie, slaps the divinely created fallen one Loki around like a rag doll, then calls him a puny god. What, O’ seers who read Hollywood’s crystal portents, do you make of that?

An ousted human council of nine still serves the new council of nine who in turn serve the principalities and powers. The rule of 72 will be overturned one day by the genuine Lord of Lords and King of Kings – the One who was not born on December 25th.

Illuminatists within the human ranks fight for turf in the name of the counterfeit king of kings and lord of lords and the masses suffer.

Joel’s Army is not what many Dominionist Christians think it is … others take the opposite extreme…it is all allegorical.

While the advance troops will pop in like ranger paratroopers, Joel’s swarm will not truly mass until the pit opens just before the end.

Nor is Joel’s army the Spawn Army that is being created like Saruman’s Orc Army from Lord of the Rings.

Contemporary creations and ancient fallen ones., as well as hybrid monsters, who sometimes fight each other and at other times fight together.

All for the purpose of dominating the planet, for the joy of carnage, and for the privilege of offering a bloody broken world as a sacrificial gift to the light-bearer.

In the end it is for naught. Jehovah reigns supreme. He always shall. He has promised His Son a Kingdom. That promise will not be broken.

Some things are allowed because prophecy must come to pass. Some things are allowed because Jehovah permits it because of our hardness of heart. Some things are allowed because it fits His divine plan.

Romans chapter eight verses 27 and 28 says “And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth
what is the mind of the Spirit,because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Jehovah is sovereign. Those saints He wishes removed beforehand in whatever manner He chooses will be removed.

Those saints He wishes to preserve through it will be preserved.

Those He grants martyrs crowns will be martyred.

Saints destined to meet Jesus alive at his return will do so.

Saints destined to exit death to meet Jesus in the air, when He returns, will do so as well.

While Avengers was a mind blowing movie, those of us who serve a risen Savior, know the real Avenger’s identity.

Rev 6:10: “And they cried with a loud voice,
saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true,
dost thou not judge and avenge our blood
on them that dwell on the earth?”

If the Bible is true then horrific times shall come before Jesus returns. How can we deny that unless we ourselves are in denial?

Look beyond the gloom and doom at the hope that is also written in The Book.

Look beyond those troubled times and behold the return of His Eternal Majesty, Our One True King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ YHWH-Son, as well as the golden age He has promised.

WTO 10.7.12


I will not mention any names. He has handlers. He is just a pawn chosen to do a job. A willing pawn for one kingdom. An unwilling pawn for the other.
Back in the spring I wrote to a friend. My prediction was that if the white board check-mated the black board, there would be a brief reprieve.
Depending on who won, the chess game would play out differently, but progress to the same end.
However, I opined that if the black pawn won the game in America, in 2012, then the tool of the Illuminati, would also be a tool of God Himself, to bring judgment to America.
In the midst of that judgment God would bring glory to Himself through His people. Some would die for His glory. Others would be preserved for His glory.
The Illuminists that prepared the ebony pawn for this destiny, that control his handlers, are also pawns to fallen archons, who control their own hierarchy of serpent seed entities. That is a fact that has been well hidden, but will soon manifest.
America has two destinies. America has had two destinies.
Like the seed of Eve that wars with the seed of the serpent as written in Genesis, two kingdoms have wrestled within the borders of America since before colonial times.

Most likely when America was omme-rike, long before the cartographer Amerigo Vespucci crafted a map, this continent had its share of kingdom verses kingdom skirmishes.
One destiny is that we have been used to bring Christ to a fallen world.
The other destiny is that we have been used by the enemy to promote false religion in many guises, including a secret government, to usher in the One World Government, which is really under the control of the dark Luciferian entities.

We cannot fight prophecy.
Certain horrific events that God himself predicts in His word must come to pass as the dark kingdom takes control.
While our weapons will not be carnal, there is a remnant who has been prepared who will do great exploits, not under their own power, but by that of the Holy Spirit.

We must not forget that only Jesus Christ, when His Father sends Him, will be able to defeat the Satanic World Empire, and then free the world from his grip.

WTO November 2012


Writing has been a journey with many waysides for Mr. O’Conner. He began reading at an early age and dreamed of becoming a well-known author. Mr. O’Conner enrolled in many writing courses and placed in every college writers’ poetry contest or workshop that he ever entered.

While attending a writing club in Spooner, Wisconsin, several years after college, a well-known fantasy writer (she specializes in Arthurian mythology and strong female lead characters) and member of the group, said that she loved his writing and didn’t know why he couldn’t get published. Over the years friends eagerly read his poetry and short stories. Most who read “HILBERT SPACES AND XIBALBAN GOLD,” said they couldn’t put it down until they had finished it.

When a friend showed Westernstar Publishing a poem entitled “OF EROS AND CHIVALRY” the result was: Waysides Along the Journey: Spiritual Wisdom and Adventures in Literature. After that, Mr. O’Conner began writing more books like THE COMING JUDGMENT OF AMERICA.

Mr. Wayne O’Conner, a resident of northern Wisconsin, has also been invited to speak on Blog Talk Radio programs and at Christian conventions.

Please visit my website, (coming soon) or look me up on Face Book for more information about my books and You-tube videos.