Welcome friends! Today I want to share about strongholds.
You can’t change or end a stronghold, by the flesh, no matter how hard you try. If you do, the victory is a hollow one. What the Lord really wants is for you to submit that stronghold to Him. He wants to tag team with you and wrestle that stronghold to the mat.
If you do it by the flesh it’ll fight you until you’re too weak to fight anymore or it will go into remission and trip you up through another stronghold. What you must do is keep giving that stronghold to Jesus for as long as it takes.
And when you do that, don’t let the devil make you feel like a loser. When you work with the Lord on a stronghold, you already have the victory, no matter how long it takes for that stronghold to disappear.
It is only when you rationalize away that you have a stronghold, or refuse to surrender your stronghold to Jesus, that you don’t have a victory. The devil will tell you that you don’t have the victory until the stronghold is gone. The truth is that every time you surrender a stronghold to Jesus it is avictory for you and it is a victory for the Kingdom. If it comes back, you haven’t lost; you just have another opportunity to surrender that stronghold to Jesus.
When we have an issue, whether it is thumb sucking or a variety of evil thinking, it may be a demonic influence or just a fleshly desire that is oppressing you.
The more you feel that you have control over the habit or behavior the more likely it is fleshly in nature. If you cannot control the behavior or thought pattern, the more likely it is demonic in nature. Rather than use the term demon possession I prefer the term demonized. That term covers both people who are possessed by a devil and others who are not possessed but merely manipulated and afflicted.
Demonic imps travel in packs like throngs of street urchins. One may find the door or the chink in your armor, and then go find others and ask them to join their gang.
Remember, just as God hates sin but loves the sinner, we need to do the same.That said, we need to love the demonized but hate their demons.