Road to Emmaus Dream Song

The title of the song is “One Day on the Road to Emmaus.”

I dreamed this song on the morning of June 16th, 2019.  I had already risen for the day and had been praying in a certain chair as is my morning custom. I fell asleep and dreamed about this song. I will provide more backstory for this dream song at the conclusion of the sound track.


Click the white triangle on the left of the black rectangle below to hear the audio for my Emmaus Road Song:



Books by Wayne O’Conner

Summer 2018

With clickable links for each of my books and audios at Amazon.

  1. Waysides Along the Journey: Spiritual Wisdom & Adventures in Literature.

Free Verse Poetry, short fiction, non-fiction. (Westernstar Publishing. May be out of print.)


  1. Waysides Along the Journey 2: White Noise & Stirring Rhetoric.

Secular and Christian Free Verse Poetry.




  1.       Waysides Along the Journey 3:  Songs in the Night From Jesus.

Christian Free Verse poetry.

  1. Waysides Along the Journey 4:  Caravansary

Secular and Christian Free Verse Poetry.

  1. Waysides Along the Journey 5: Snowscapes and Brown Studies

Secular and Christian Free Verse Poetry.


  1. Visitation. Christian Non-fiction.

I had a vision that was unlike the few I have had before or after. Not only was the vision quite intense, but it lasted literally from sundown until sunup, rather than mere moments. I was sitting on the couch in my room and then got up and sat on the edge of my bed. And then the vision happened. In the vision, I could see Jesus sitting across from me on the small couch. And then the vision happened again, the next night, but it was quick and merely highlighted some of the things I’d seen the night before.







  1. The Fallen Angels Alien Connection. Christian non-fiction.

The truth about aliens, fallen angels, and demons from a Christian perspective. Notes from a seminar I conducted for River Valley Ministries during the summer of 2010.

  1. The Baby Echolalia of Christendom. Christian non-fiction.

“Baby Echolalia” is not a mental disorder. Rather, it is a professional term for that stage in a baby’s development where it mimics sounds or voices in its environment but does not yet have the capacity to understand the meaning of those words and sounds. I believe that many Christians while being able to “play the game,” or use the right buzzwords, are only parroting what they have read or heard and do not truly understand the scriptures or their master the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christian leaders, within the traditional church structures and the non-traditional structures (e.g. home fellowships) rarely mature to the point that they are able to model and train new Christians to walk in a dynamic living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, they have great knowledge of the Lord and possess a Religious Code of Ethics. Like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, they stand in the doorway, between the Lord and his people, often hindering, more than helping.

Much in the same way that Saul promised his daughter Merab as a wife to David, but then gave her to another man (1Samuel 18:17, 1 Samuel 25:44), in New Testament times many men and women have been spiritually betrothed to Jesus Christ, but end up being bonded to institutions and religious leaders. At best many new converts are taught about God, rather than how to walk with Him. Often new believers, rather than learning to submit to Jesus Christ, are kept in a state of spiritual infancy and reliant upon their leaders, hindering their ability to mature, become more and more Christ-like, and dependent upon the Lord Himself.

  1. Brush Piles.

More free verse prose poetry, plus other writing types, roughly half written from a Christian perspective.









  1. Sandy Danced: some say that HAARP was the band that fiddled that day!

More free verse prose poetry; most but not all, written from a Christian perspective.


  1. Adventurer’s Horn: Second Edition.

Mixed poetry and fiction of various types about both mundane and fantastical adventures. Includes 2014 Midwest Book Review article about my book!

  1. The Forgotten Prophet’s Book of Dreams.

Free Verse Prose. In the autumn of 1986 I had a very short dream. When the dream began, I was sitting at a large table that looked as if it had been hewn from great logs. The top was very smooth from use. Jesus, the only other occupant at the table, handed me a large, dusty, gray hardback book and said, “I am commissioning you to write this book. Entitle it, ‘The Forgotten Prophet’s Book of Dreams.’”


  1. The Coming Judgment of America.

Christian Non-fiction. Prophetic teaching about America in the End to Times. I had many prophetic dreams and visions during my youth concerning America’s future.

Part of that revelation was that war is coming to America during my lifetime. Much of the book details information that I shared after I was asked to do a radio interview for End Times Ministries at Blog Talk Radio.

  1. Kingdom Lessons One: Spiritual Wisdom for Followers of Christ Jesus.

Christian Non-fiction.

Short Christian teachings. Kingdom Lessons is an informal teaching manual about issues from a Christian perspective about love, spiritual maturity, sin, sanctification, strongholds, deliverance, God’s protection, and eschatology. A few lessons even cover “walking the walk” using modern technology such as internet blogging and virtual church.


  1. The Final Piece of the Puzzle: second edition.

Free Verse Prose, Christian teachings and conspiracy theories discussed from a Christian perspective.

Have you ever wondered about the Eternal Security versus Conditional Security debate?  Is the 1000 year of the reign of Jesus literal or allegorical? Does the bible talk about giants? Have you ever wondered why the end of the world has loomed in almost every generation but then fizzled as scoffers scoffed, even in the church?  What is Trans-Humanism and how will it influence us in the future?  While Christian and Pagan prophets have predicted a great darkness overtaking future America, does Jesus offer a way to escape?  What is the secret behind the multitude of conspiracy theories? Who is the god of fortresses? Who is the Antichrist? What is the difference between a fallen angel and a demon? Is there a Last Days remnant?  Will they take over the world and hand it to Jesus on a silver platter as the dominionists teach?  These and many more questions will be answered in this book?

  1. J is for Jesus.

Children’s book about a song I received in a dream on Valentine’s Day morning.

  1. Waysides Along the Journey: Adventures in a Flying Museum.

Early secular and Christian Free Verse Poetry.


  1. Rapture Riddle.

Collected Christian articles from 2014.


  1. Kingdom Lessons Two:  Dreamscapes and Prayer Closet Epiphanies.

Short Christian teachings.

Have you ever wondered if angels are real?  What did Jesus mean when He warned us to “count the cost” in the famous build-a-tower parable?  Is the idea of feminine leadership in the church heresy or just another aspect of the New Testament royal priesthood?  What can we do to remove hindrances that negatively influence our prayers?  Have you ever been guilty of saying “I love you Lord, but not that much” when the Holy Spirit prompts you?  What does the scriptural phrase Mystery Babylon mean?  Is there a difference between sinning and walking in sin?  Why do some Christians believe Donald Trump is the coming savior of the United States, and others say that if he is elected president of the United States, that he will be the next American Hitler?  Is Jesus calling for a special group of Native American Christians to prepare End Times sanctuaries if the United States falls?  How could Jesus provide Christian walk lessons in a dream about a 1957 Chevy? What do the scriptures really say about being saved?  Are there many paths to Jesus or only one?  Why would Christians need to be mindful of new discoveries in Cryptozoology?  These and many other questions are answered in the second book of my Kingdom Lessons series.



20:  Kingdom Lessons 3:  Flowers from Jesus.

Contains “Flowers from Jesus”, “Adventures with Jesus in the Mall of America”, and “The Friendship Tower Chronicles”.

Short Christian teachings and free verse prose and dream songs.

What is the cost when we use manipulation, control, or throwing childish tantrums to get our personal or ministry needs met? Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have an adventure with Jesus? Could Jesus use a dream about a covert ops historical reenactment to teach a spiritual lesson? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to trust God for food and protection during scarcity and danger?  Should Christians visit haunted houses or watch paranormal shows “just for fun”?  Why do some Christians get caught up in spiritual turf wars?  Have you ever awoke singing a Christian song?  Have you ever wondered if principalities and powers get involved in politics? Would Jesus use friendships to test your unconditional love, discipline, and obedience?


Kingdom Lessons 4: Day Dreams & Night Visions

Do we ever engage in Christian “Turf Wars?”  What is the difference between a natural Christian elder and a spiritual Christian elder?    What would it be like to travel back in time and do a secret mission for Jesus?  If Jesus commissioned an Art Museum what might one find inside? Have you ever dreamed of working in a Christian coffee house that is guarded by angels?  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to survive in America, following some holocaustic event, where our technology is suddenly taken back to horse and buggy times?  What would it be like if Nazi Germany did have a secret base in Antarctica and some of our best soldiers were killed or captured there, not in the 1940’s but 2017?  Would Jesus ever ask you to do one thing and tell everyone else to do something else?  Have you ever met an expert who was totally in error, but expected you to shut up and listen anyway? Have you ever prayed for people while dreaming? Kingdom Lessons Four: Daydreams and Night Visions explores these and many other Kingdom questions.



Kingdom Lessons Five: Stars and Carrots

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to do your own radio show podcast? Have you ever wondered about Hollow Earth legends from a Christian perspective? What would happen if earth has an interdimensional barrier that is diminishing in strength?  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go site seeing across the United States, virtually, with your Facebook friends and family?  Have you ever dreamed of angels or writing songs?  Money came between Jesus and the rich young ruler. What comes between you and honoring the lordship of Jesus Christ? Do Old Covenant Food Laws apply to Christians today?  Have you ever felt like God has a carrot on a stick and you are a donkey? Have you ever dreamed of an alternate reality where Jesus has a private home for you?  Have you ever dreamed of fighting monsters in Jesus name?  Can an odd duck and a calico cat foreshadow the mysteries of 2018?  These and more issues will be discussed in Kingdom Lessons Five: Stars and Carrots.




Willow, a baby Christian, while dabbling with New Age Crystal Magic, ends up being invited to a seminar hosted by Nordic Aliens. From there she is sent to a Spirit Husband, named Mr. Alf, who was once the son of a Watcher Fallen Angel and the instructor of mixed martial arts and small weapons for an ancient Pre-flood mercenary army. Mr. Alf owns Alf’s Fight Club on a pocket-world in another dimension where he vacations, like some of us own a cabin on a lake, from his day job of running the north-east quadrant of the United States, for his fallen angel boss, the Dark Prince of America. Against her will, a scantily clad Willow is forced to learn the art of kick boxing. She is also used by her new Spirit Husband for other purposes. Jesus arranges to rescue her, but first she must repent and accept His help!

Available in paperback and Kindle. The audio book is coming soon!

Songs in the Night from Jesus series with clickable links:

Available at Create Space E-Store, a subsidiary of

Songs in the Night from Jesus, Volume One:






CreateSpace eStore:

Songs in the Night from Jesus, Volume 2






CreateSpace eStore:

Songs in the Night from Jesus, Volume Three






CreateSpace eStore:


Songs in the Night from Jesus, Volume Four






CreateSpace eStore:


Songs in the Night from Jesus, Volume Five






Songs in the Night from Jesus, Volume Six

Best of the Songs in the Night from Jesus