Preface to Kingdom Lessons Two
Preface to Kingdom Lessons Two:
Dreamscapes and Prayer Closet Epiphanies
I am not a paragon of virtue. I do not possess the wisdom of Solomon. Yet, Jesus promised to be my friend, and that I would be misunderstood and maligned, within the church and outside of the church. He also promised that even so, He would mature me, and be with me, in a special way, throughout my life.
One of the tasks that I was assigned was to teach spiritual lessons. The Holy Spirit, many years ago, gave me a very strong and clear impression that I would one day write books for Him. Jesus brought a few words of confirmation after that.
The gist of those words, was that even though, from time to time, I would make mistakes or even have to correct a few teachings, later in life, that there would be a very powerful anointing in the words written in my books. Although some of the works would be beautiful and poignant, much of it would strike against the traditions of men and not be accepted.
Specifically, one of the spiritual references given in those confirmational words, was from Ezekiel 33:32, “And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not.”
So in essence, I was warned that even though most of what I would share would have the Lord’s blessing and anointing, very few would accept it. While my books would in no way compare to scripture, for authority or wisdom, that they would be very spiritually impactive. Because of that, great numbers of devils would literally be assigned, by the enemy of our souls, to discourage people from reading my materials. First, to counteract the influence of that anointing. Second, to severely limit the scope of my influence.
For those of you who actually succeed in reading Kingdom Lessons Two (and other books that I have written) while it is an imperfect instrument, I make a bold guarantee. Hidden somewhere within its pages, there will be a section in this book, that the Holy Spirit will use, in a significant manner, to bring you closer to Christ Jesus and provide greater spiritual understanding in your life.