Money Matters in the Kingdom Dream

Money Matters in the Kingdom Dream

Dreamed 12/16/2023 about 2 AM.  Blog Post date: December 23rd, 2023.




I am not going into detail story-forming this dream. Suffice it to say, in the dream, a Christian couple who I knew, came to visit me at my house, on a Saturday morning, and I shared food with them. We prayed for a small time, and as a part of this fellowship, they shared that there was going to be a special meeting where they “laid down the law” on the rampant sin of people in their church.

In the spirit I had mixed feelings about what they were sharing with me.  The mixed feelings grew stronger. Finally, one of them could no longer contain their excitement. Since I did not actually go to their church, without naming names, they excitedly decided to explain all their findings which they had recently presented to the board.

Even though I was part of another flock, I did have friends in that church, and perhaps relatives. While I was not one hundred percent sure, I had a good idea who, in each instance, they were talking about.  My mind reeled. I had thought that maybe the “secret sins” had to do with things like porn, or adultery, mistreating family or other saints.  It was all about finances!

On one hand we all need to weigh how we are spending our money as Christians.  On the other hand, many of us have been taught a religious, Old Covenant, and short-sighted view of “tithes and offerings.”

I thought about teachings by a friend and brother, Jon Zens, as I struggled with how to respond to this more detailed revelation from the Christian couple in my dream.

(If you are interested in reading one of Jon’s teachings on the New Testament concept of giving, please read his article,

“Each According to His Ability.”

Here is the web link:

While I posited that we all need to carefully consider how we as Christians spend our money or time, and we, me included, sometimes fall short, I agreed that we need to be careful. We not only need to be careful about our own expenditures. We also need to exercise care about the extent that we go beyond suggesting appropriate financial advice, to our brothers and sisters in Christ. More importantly, we need to refrain from forcing other brothers and sisters concerning their finances and other issues.

They then doubled down and said, “But you don’t understand, Brother Wayne! We know what their income is, and we have seen, either by the evidence of our cameras, and the check information, how little money these people are tithing!”

“My point exactly!” is the first response that I articulated.

I knew that in a few instances -noting that I did not know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my identifications were correct –that there were people spending an inordinate amount of money on selfish pleasures.  However, there were others, that were not as guilty as it seemed.

For example, in my mind, a few memories flashed. It was as if I was seeing in the Spirit the following examples:

* There was an older couple who had a ministry before the Lord ministering to poor people, spending money on fuel and food, and necessities, and bringing people to church. While they were putting little in the offering plate, they were spending time and money on their ministry.

* Another man had spent a small fortune repairing the house of a poor family from the church.  While he was putting little in the offering plate, he had been spending time and money on his ministry.

* A young couple, although putting a small amount on the offering plate, were spending a great deal of time and money on friendship – evangelism and ministering financially to poor families and widows in the church and outside the church.  Once again, they were putting little in the offering plate, but they were spending time and money on their ministry.

I was grieving in my spirit about how these people, who were about to be censured, and brought before the church for the sin of not tithing, were really great examples of saints who were performing ministry in Jesus Name and serving their community and meeting the needs of local saints.

My dream ended before I was able to share my feelings on the matter, to the couple, who were so excited about the Saul of Tarsus style investigation presentation they were about to “execute” at their church the next morning.



By the way, dear readers, “Happy Holidays in Jesus’ Name.” No matter which camp people are in concerning the choice between Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, either they like the novelty or I am an equal opportunity offender.