Kingdom Games with Audio


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Have you ever watched young children

Play cowboys and Indians or cops and robbers?

While they may exude a great deal of energy

And make a great deal of noise,

Yelling commands or creating sound effects,

Machine guns, lasers, bombs,

Helicopters or the grinding of gears,

Unless those children are quite gifted

To the critical eye there is little if any plot

To their story.

While each plays his part

With as much gusto as he or she may muster.

It will be obvious that they lack

True experience as to the reality

Behind whatever game they are playing.

Looking around in Christendom

I see much the same thing.

Many people fill pews or living rooms,

But are too busy living their lives

Just so they may buy more and better toys.

They are too occupied with other pursuits.

Too busy to live for the Kingdom

And submit to their King.

We need Jesus as Savior

And we need Him as Lord.

I also see Christians

Sequestering themselves away

And crowing about being overcomers.

Yes, the Lord wants us to be overcomers.

That is one goal and an important one.

But the moment we think we are there,

Besides starting to major on minors,

We usually fall into the sins of pride and elitism.

Maybe embrace or become enamored with

Would be a better word choice than fall.

I see a few Christians

Who forget about the gospel

And focus on demon hunting

And fighting principalities and powers.

They run hither and yon

Taking the ground” from

And “binding” Satan.

If you are certain

That you have been told to do this

By all means go pray.

But if you have not been called

Or you were called once in a certain place

And then make it “your ministry”

You may be wasting time

And even putting yourself and others at risk.

While we may wrestle with principalities

And powers

Or cast out evil spirits,

There are times and seasons for such things.

To “freelance”

And do so independently

of the Lord is not very wise.

If you have not allowed

The Lord to mature you enough

To be resistant to Satan’s traps and temptations,

They’ll take that ground back

before you can mumble brobdingnagian.

I also see groups

Who think that they have been called

To be mercenaries

And take over the world for Jesus.

They believe that only when they conquer

The Kingdom of Earth

Will Jesus return and accept His crown.

The sons and daughters of God will “manifest”

And they do have a “destiny”

But not in the way these

super groups” assume!

The kingdom of God is in our hearts!

We don’t need boot camp, artillery practice

And classes in political intrigue!

We need to allow Jesus to reign in our lives.

The more we allow God

To transform us into Christ’s likeness

And the more we allow Him to train us to seek

His kingdom first rather than ours,

That is how we take the Kingdom!

It is written,

Seek ye first



And all these things shall

Be added unto you!”

And before I forget:

He’ll come back

When the Father says,

It’s time!”

We are talking a two-prong attack here!

Preach & Teach!

First, we preach the gospel

the real gospel of repentance and grace,

Not easy believism,

traditions of men and churchianity!

Second, we teach

And encourage by humble modeling,

Not by lording it over our brothers and sisters,

How to walk with Jesus in a relationship

and honor his Lordship.

Many of us will be saved as if through fire,

And many will think they are saved

When they are not.

Either way,

Few of us allow the Lord to bring us to maturity.

Remember every Kingdom has a King.

Either Jesus is King

Or you are king or queen

Of your own personal kingdom,

And then the devil is made king by default

Over your kingdom.

WTO 11.29.11

From Waysides along the Journey 4: Caravansary


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