Dream about Early 1900’s Evangelist Singing and Preaching at a Park Along the East Coast of America

Dream about Early 1900’s Evangelist Singing and Preaching

at a Park Along the East Coast of America


Back Story to Jesu Dream.  I call it the Jesu dream because the Evangelist referred to Jesus as Jesu.  He had a strong accent that seemed part Irish Brogue and part “Southern.” Pondering on the on again off again Irish accent that I had heard used by the Evangelist throughout the dream, especially the way he said “ahh” instead of I, when referring to himself, I recently came to the conclusion that the non-Irish part of his accent sounded very southern gentlemen.

His wife, when she spoke had very clear, grammatically precise and proper diction, like an English teacher, that was both crisp and melodious, and very Southern Bell by accent.

BACK STORY AUDIO BELOW (Song follows lyrics)



9.30 AM. 8.31.2023 sung during a dream.

Tune vaguely similar to piano man, but with a slight Irish accent. No hard Irish “T”.  That is thief not “tief.”

Jesu, I know that you love me.

I know that– you love me

Because of the way —

The way that — you willin’ly died.

And you didn’t just die for me.


You suffered so cruelly

Nailed to the tree.

Bloodied and broken

You offered your life,

To pay the price.


Yes, you paid the price

For all who were owned,

Destined for torment

By the minions– of Hell.


You paid the price

For that long list of sins.

Inescapable burdens

That pull us all in,

Swirlin’ an’ whirlin’

Chokin’ and gaspin’,


Into a deep, deep, dark abyss.

Black and shadowy at the start,

But with fires of orange

Mixed with glowy blue lava

Dancin’ and bubblin’, bubblin’ up from below.


One thief on the cross,

His sorrows sincere,

Swallowed his pride,

And repented.

That thief made his ch’ice for the Lard.

Can we, like that thief, do the same?


Can we like that thief

Admit to our sins?

Can we like that thief,

Own up to the fact

that we justly deserve — what’s comin’?

The terrible end

that arrives,

arrives with our last dyin’ breath?


Will we accept,

And finally repent?

Will we honor the blood gift payment?

Or like the hard-hearted thief number two

Will we deny our true need,

then mock and spurn the offer?

Will we– reject– Holy Christ Jesu,

the Giver of the Greatest Gift?


Jesu, I know that you love me.

I know that– you love me

Because of the way —

The way that — you willin’ly died.

And you didn’t just die for me. (2nd time slower)