Dreamed about 5:30 AM on 6/24/15 by Wayne O’Conner


Council meeting with a Native American council about a sanctuary in their area.

Diagram of Council Building

  5. E-Door into another wing of the building.



When the dream started I was in a building that resembled a church with long steps down to a front door. The walls were a pastel bone white but just a bit darker from age.

There weren’t any pews or Christian icons. There was a long table with one row of chairs against the back wall. There may have been a few urns with ferns, pine branches and a dream catcher on one wall, but otherwise the council building was sparsely furnished. There was also a row of chairs towards the center of the room facing the long table.  There was a small gallery area that was roped off with several short rows of chairs on the side of the room opposite of the council sitting area.  It overlooked the long set of wooden stairs that went down into an exit foyer. There was a door at the top of the stairs near the gallery that led to another area with bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms. I looked into that area but never entered those rooms.

I was sitting in the gallery with a few Christian brothers and one sister.   Most but not all of them were Native American.  The reason I was there was that I had been invited to share what the Lord had showed me about a small area in their tribal lands that was going to be a safe haven provided by the Lord in a time of future calamity.

There were two Native American ladies in the chair row that faced the council table.  Both wore simple light tan deerskin blouses and pants but they had spiky blonde dyed hair.  The one on the left was a strong, mannish lady of middle age.  The other was younger and slender.  The older lady stood up and addressed the council and demanded that I be removed from the meeting. The second lady stood up and firmly stated that she agreed.  Following a brief hushed consultation the council sent a man to me who had a fur covered blanket of dark brown. He draped it over my shoulders and beckoned for me to follow him.

One of the Christian brothers with me in the gallery promised he would explain what the Lord had shared about a sanctuary being given to the tribe but only in a small portion of their lands. There was one Caucasian lady and a Caucasian man who resembled David and Brenda Palmer with me in the gallery but the rest were Native American brothers.     I followed the elderly Native American representative of the council down the steps and outside.

To my surprise there was snow on the ground.  The Native American council rep apologized that I had been asked to leave but said he was taking me to another building.  It looked like a large Hogan or lodge on top of a low nearby hill.


Clutching my animal skin be about me as it was cold and I was wearing summer clothing I followed him into the lodge. Strangely the inside of the Hogan was circular even though the exterior had been rectangular.



The floor was dirt although the kitchen area had a stone or cement floor.  Except for what looked like a possible bathroom through the bottom doorway it was just one large room.  There was a large fire pit in the room and one near the kitchen. One side had a small open kitchen area which did have a floor.  There were chairs around the three walls opposite the kitchen area.  Scattered around the center of the room were several wooden boxes (blue rectangles) that looked like the firewood box near the fireplace in David and Brenda Palmer’s chalet at “the farm.”

There was one middle aged Native American manning the kitchen and the rep asked him to bring me a refreshment.  Then the rep grabbed two chairs and placed them on either side of the empty wood box.  He grabbed a third chair and put it upside down in the empty wood box which then became a table. The kitchen guy arrived with a cup and a spoon and a 2 quart carton of chocolate milk and gave it to the council rep.  After the council rep poured the milk into a coffee cup he stirred it with the spoon like one would coffee and then sat the cup and spoon and milk carton on the upside down chair.  I tasted it and it was chocolate milk not coffee. As the kitchen guy walked away the council rep said, “We will have a ceremony of better understanding while the council is in session.”  He began telling me about tribal customs and legends.

End of dream

I am not sure what the chocolate milk meant. Perhaps that I was deemed unready for stronger drink like coffee.  I did notice that the council rep was very respectful and friendly, as was the kitchen guy, but they did not take refreshments with me.  Nor do I know why I was asked to leave when the white couple was allowed to remain.  I think the two ladies in the chairs near the council table were representatives of the Shaman’s council and the council was not the actual tribal council but a group of Native American Christian leaders.  The tribal area that was promised a sanctuary could have been in Northwestern Wisconsin or Northern Minnesota.

Generally I think that the dream was saying is that if I were to share what the Lord had told me about a promised sanctuary that only a few would believe me.  I have shared that information already with Native Americans in the Raddisson and Winter area as well as with the chief from the tribe in northern Minnesota that never surrendered to the American government following the American war with the Native Americans.

Right after I sent a copy of this dream to Dave and Brenda Palmer (real life people I know who were in the dream) of Winter (a city in Wisconsin in the USA) I saw a blurb for SKY WATCH NEWS.  According to Tom Horn and Chris Putnam in Portals of the Immortals, many native Americans  especially in the south west United States are planning on using the portals at their religious sites to escape this world when the end times chaos becomes too great for safety.

The problem with this is that if certain shamans are able to activate the portals and enter them, are those places going to be any less dangerous than when they fled from them in the first place? I do believe, but cannot prove by scripture, that one type of sanctuary that Jesus will provide will be by entering into an inter-dimensional place of safety.   In the Rapture Riddle book I share that some Christians at that time are called to minister during the tribulation and that some will be protected until their ministry is finished. While some are destined to be martyred that some will be protected until Jesus returns.  I also posit that rather than a pre-trib rapture out from the earth that the Lord will be taking a remnant to places of protection.  Some of those places of protection I believe will be through dimensional doorways. However, going through the wrong “star-gate” doorways, if one could open them, would be like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

If you are interested in finding out more about my concept of sanctuaries please read my books FINAL PIECE OF THE PUZZLE and THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE RAPTURE RIDDLE AND THE SANCTUARY SAINTS available from Amazon.com.