Donald Trump’s Secret Court Case

Trump dream December 25th, 2023, about 5:30 AM,

Donald Trump’s Secret Court Case

I dreamed I was watching a somewhat secret court proceeding and former President Donald Trump was presenting a case before a magistrate.

I was disappointed to see that Alina Habba was not at his side. Donald Trump had two or three male lawyers and his opposition had two or three male lawyers.  A small select group of lucky reporters and movers and shakers, male and female, were in the courtroom, which was full.  No artists or cameras and everyone who attended had signed NDA’s.  No cell phones or computers were allowed either. However, a notebook and pencil were allowed for taking notes for ones “personal use, not to be shared with anyone else, friends, family, podcast audience, etc.”

The reporter, who I was watching the dream through, was a tall and thin male, late thirties, wearing a calf length leather coat and a dark brown leather adventurer’s hat, one side brim up and the other flat, over shoulder length sandy hair.  Hawknosed, pale skinned, and a bit of a fop and a dandy, he came into the meeting as a Trump supporter, but was not following the court case.  He seemed a bit vain, although serious and sincere, but very disillusioned by the end of the dream.  Mostly I watched through the eyes of the reporter, but just after he confronted former President Donald Trump, he checked himself out in front of a full-length mirror, then adjusted his coat collar and hat as the dream ended.

My first impression upon watching the court case was that I was amazed that the judge seemed fair and impartial and conservative, rather than a Rhino or communist leaning democrat.

My second impression was that this had to be one of the shortest court cases on record.  The lawyers with the case against Trump said several concise paragraphs, of two to three pages of text, following the typical lines one might hear from mainstream news why the former president should not be allowed to run again.

Trump’s lawyers gave a short, less than a page of impassioned speech on why he should be allowed to be president again.

The judge enunciated a Latin phrase which when interpreted said, “Out of nothing I give you Donald Trump and a mysterious illusion.” The judge continued, “With a handshake and a gentlemen’s agreement, we will bypass the will of the people, but even though this the case, we will in the end side on behalf of Donald Trump and against the Deep State. Do not be confused by the theatrics and false flags that will occur up until he returns to his office. Keep my ruling, Donald Trump, if you can.”

I watched the tall, thin dandy of a reporter scribble notes on a notepad that I could barely read. I literally thought in the dream, his cursive is worse than mine!

What I could read said:

  • Ex Nihilo nil fit…illusio mysterium
  • Magician’s trick
  • Secret gentlemen’s agreement
  • Keep my ruling if you can
  • Do not be confused by the deep fakes and all the negative news spin that will torment the patriots, conservatives, and trump supporters that happens in the future.
  • Deception, even if done for the right reasons


I watched the young man appear before Donald Trump, following the court case. Donald Trump thanked the man for attending and for his past support and gave him a hearty thumbs up.  The former president’s eyes flew wide and his expression hardened as the young reporter angrily berated him.  I could not understand the reporters words.

Trump scowled and snapped, “You do not understand the sacrifices I and my family have made and will continue to make on behalf of America against the dark war being waged against it!”

Following a fade to black, the young reporter was back in his hotel room and admired himself in the full-length door mirror on the back of exit door, prior to visiting a few college bars.  The man adjusted his cap to a rakish angle and tightened the chin strap. Next, he adjusted his collar and flicked lint or dust off from his leather jacket. He opened his door…

Following the mirror scene,  the dream ended.




Happy Holidays, in Jesus Name,