Coming Soon: Kingdom Lessons Two!

Kingdom Lessons Two:

Dreamscapes and Prayer Closet EpiphaniesDSC01163

  • Have you ever wondered if angels are real?
  • What did Jesus mean when He warned us to “count the cost” in the famous build-a-tower parable?
  • Is the idea of feminine leadership in the church heresy or just another aspect of the New Testament royal priesthood?
  • What can we do to remove hindrances that negatively influence our prayers?
  • Have you ever been guilty of saying “I love you Lord, but not that much” when the Holy Spirit prompts you?
  • What does the scriptural phrase Mystery Babylon mean?
  • Is there a difference between sinning and walking in sin?
  • Why do some Christians believe Donald Trump is the coming savior of the United States, and others say that if he is elected president of the United States, that he will be the next American Hitler?
  •  Is Jesus calling for a special group of Native American Christians to prepare  End Times sanctuaries if the United States falls?
  • How could Jesus provide Christian walk lessons in a dream about a 1957 Chevy?
  • What do the scriptures really say about being saved?
  • Are there many paths to Jesus or only one?
  • Why would Christians need to be mindful of new discoveries in Cryptozoology?

These and many other questions are answered in the second book of my Kingdom Lessons series.